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Başkan’dan Mesaj



Avrasya Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu Genel Başkanı İsmail Cengiz;


Avrasya Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu Genel Başkanı İsmail Cengiz; ''TÜRKİYE’NİN ACISI SOYDAŞLARIN ORTAK ACISIDIR''

Sürgündeki Doğu Türkistan Hükümeti Başbakanı (DTSH) ve Avrasya Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu Gen. Bşk. İsmail Cengiz; Van-Bahçesaray yolunda düşen çığ nedeniyle hayatını kaybedenler için ve uçak kazasından dolayı taziye ve geçmiş olsun dileğinde bulunarak, Türkiye’nin acısı, bizim acımızdır. Türk Dünyasının çeşitli coğrafyalarından gelerek bu ülkeye sığınan göçmen soydaşlar olarak, ikinci vatanımız Türkiye’nin acısını paylaşıyor, yaralılara acil şifalar, yakınlarına sabırlar temenni ediyoruz” dedi.

Her iki hadisede hayatını kaybedenlere Allah’tan rahmet dileyen Cengiz;
Türkiye’de yaşayan Özbek, Kazak, Kırgız, Türkmen, Uygur, Tatar, Karapapak, Ahıska, Gagauz, Yakut, Nogay; Afganistan, Azerbaycan, İran, Suriye ve İrak Türkleri olarak Türk Dünyasının başı sağolsun” dedi.


10:00 am

Mommy & Me

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Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.


11:30 am

Little League

Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.


Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.

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